
Press Releases

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing Expert and President of LMA Consulting Predicts eCommerce Breakthroughs with Data

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – October 27, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., predicts that manufacturers will realize breakthroughs in eCommerce with the use of technology and data. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and [...]

SAC: Consulting Society Announces Consulting Award Winner

Outstanding Consultant Honored at Highly Successful Virtual Annual Meeting NEW YORK, NY—The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC), a leading global association of independent consulting professionals, today announced the winner of the Corrie Shanahan Memorial Award for Advancing Consulting. The award, was announced at the 17th annual meeting of [...]

2024-06-16T16:07:28-07:00October 21, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , |

SAC: Increased Customer Focus Will Help Business Thrive in 2021

CLAREMONT, CA— The current economic disruption is giving businesses big opportunities to take steps to redefine and renew the relationships and processes that customers value most, according to the Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Businesses that tune into evolving customer needs will thrive the most in 2021. [...]

Today’s Medical Developments: Recognize workforce talents, take time to partner with the right suppliers

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., tells companies to recognize workforce talents and take time to partner with the right suppliers. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Notes Workforce Talent and Suppliers are Critical to Stabilizing the Supply Chain

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – August 24, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., tells companies to recognize  workforce talents and take time to partner with the right suppliers. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Recommends Stabilizing Supply Chains to Capture Opportunity

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – July 31, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., recommends that manufacturers and distributors increase the focus on stabilizing supply chains. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain [...]

SAC: Diversification Now is Both Doable and Desirable

CLAREMONT, CA—Diversification makes good business sense during COVID-19, provided that the rationale and focus for doing so is clear, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). With a clear focus, customers will get enhanced value from products and services, as your business avoids the panic mode [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Forecasts U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence COVID-19 Showcased Technology and Innovation as Key Contributors

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – June 30, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., forecasts a resurgence of manufacturing in the U.S.  LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the [...]

How to Triumph and Grow in this Uncertain Time

CLAREMONT, Calif., June 1, 2020/ExpertClick/— Ongoing change and volatility look certain to be with us until the end of 2020, and possibly beyond. According to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC), businesses should move quickly to maintain or grow leadership positions in this uncertain time. Master Volatility [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Predicts Proactive Approach to Demand and Diversification of Supply is Key to Future-Proofing Manufacturing and the Supply Chain

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – May 27, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., predicts that a proactive understanding of customer demand and diversification within the supply chain will prevent a next round of guffaws as the effects of COVID-19 [...]

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