
I’ve Been Thinking

Collaborating on Economic Forecasts

Since economics can have a dramatic impact on our business, it is worthwhile to pay attention - at a minimum.  Attend sessions on economics trends, read economic updates, and dig into the key factors that are most likely to impact your business.

The Drucker Supply Chain Forum

There is much we can do to learn continually and increase the breadth of our skills.

Tour of Combustion Associates & Collaboration

Collaborating can be one of the simplest of goals and one of the hardest at the same time.  Somehow, collaboration seems quite simple yet is rarely achieved to a significant degree.

Tour of Toyota and the Toyota Production System

There is much that can be achieved rapidly in leveraging Toyota Production System techniques - no matter your industry or role.

The Right Combination of Technical & Communication Skills ROCKS!

February 18, 2017 I am the Chair of the APICS West Coast student case competition, and we just wrapped up our 2017 event.  We had 104 students from around the world fly into San Diego to compete.  It was a really impressive group of students!     The [...]

Branding is Important to ALL of Us

It is well worth spending time on your personal brand as it is how people will see you. Your brand can get you "in the door" you'd like to get in - whether a job interview, on the most exciting project team or the promotion you desire.

2024-04-26T14:29:31-07:00February 13, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|
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