The Calm After the Storm
While in the midst of a storm this week, remember to keep focused on the goals.
While in the midst of a storm this week, remember to keep focused on the goals.
I went to see the movie, "Hidden Figures" last weekend and really enjoyed it! It was an uplifting story about what perseverance can achieve. Three brilliant African American women were the brains behind the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit at a time when women, let alone [...]
The great news about open door policies is that it is easy to implement in a week, let alone 2 minutes. Just open your door.
I took the APICS CLTD (certified in logistics, transportation and distribution) exam yesterday (and passed!); therefore, I have been knee deep in logistics topics this week.
Pay close attention this week. Look as you walk. Pay attention to what you walk by.
I hear quite a bit about exit plans gone awry.
I have solved countless challenges with minimal expertise in the particular subject area some thought was required when several experts with the equivalent of "Harvard PhD's" in that subject area couldn't. The MacGyver solution worked.
What historical significance does your company have? Think about how you can bring the historical importance of your company, its founders and even long-term employees to life.
While in Japan last week, I had the opportunity to ride the bullet train three times - and, even waited to go back to Tokyo from Mt. Fuji to see it whiz past since you cannot see it in action in Tokyo as a terminal station - simply amazing [...]
What are you doing to provide this level of service to your customers? Are you providing what they have asked for or what they would love if they knew to ask for it?