What Supply Chains and Liberal Arts Have in Common…
Since supply chain has broad appeal, we should be touting the critical importance of the supply chain in our daily conversations.
Since supply chain has broad appeal, we should be touting the critical importance of the supply chain in our daily conversations.
I am certainly a believer that much can be accomplished remotely. Actually I am doing more and more to help my clients remotely, and we are achieving substantial results - and significant returns on investment.
Strategic partnerships require risk; however, if you are careful in selecting your partners, you can certainly WIN long-term.
No one will innovate if they are afraid of being hit over the head if they make a mistake.
In today's Amazon-impacted world, if you cannot make rapid yet effective decisions, you'll be left in the dust.
No sales executive wants to log on his/her computer from the road instead of accessing information at his/her fingertips on a hand held device.
If you are a leader, encourage your employees to be creative and innovative.
Last weekend, the APICS Southwest district held its 10th annual student case competition. We had 25 teams and 108 students from 3 countries with another 11 teams on the wait list (including another country). We had about 50% undergraduate and 50% graduate level students who competed in a supply [...]
If talent is the only item in common on both lists, it is undoubtedly true we should think further about talent.
One easy tip related to personal branding is to act as though everything you say, your leadership style behind closed doors etc. will be published in tomorrow's New York Times