
I’ve Been Thinking

A 98 Year Old’s Wisdom & the Toltek Agreements

Apply the timeless Toltek wisdom to your life, enhancing personal and professional success with these simple yet profound principles.

Recognition and the 2019 LMA Advocate Award

On the 10 year anniversary of my business, I recognized 10 people for 10 years as LMA Advocates – people who have gone over and beyond, resulting in LMA Consulting’s growth and success.

2024-06-16T01:18:17-07:00August 20, 2019|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: |

Impact of Your Customer’s First Experience with Your Product or Service

Your customers' first impression can be very important. It gives them a "feeling" about your product or service.

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Manufacturing, Logistics & CA to Align

Seize the unique chance for Manufacturing and Logistics alignment in CA, driving job creation and tech advancements.

2023-11-26T21:47:03-08:00June 19, 2019|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Trade & Logistics|

Boom or Recession? What is the State of the Economy?

In the last few months, I've attended sessions on the global, national and regional state of the economy. Every executive, trusted advisor and colleague wants to know: Are we headed for a recession?

2025-02-03T16:26:54-08:00May 6, 2019|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |
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