
Supply Chain Briefing

Go Global, the Export Opportunity

We know of multiple manufacturers who have "made their name" and grew their business by focusing on export.  Even if you only want to supplement a robust U.S. marketplace, since we are living in a global, interconnected world, why not at least explore the opportunities in your industry? 

According to the Industry Week U.S. 500, Manufacturing is STRONG!

Are you in the fast lane, driving with the pack or in the slow lane?  With the VAST opportunities for manufacturers to succeed, perhaps it is time to put on your turn signal and step on the gas! 

2024-02-16T21:38:23-08:00August 30, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Briefing|Tags: , |

Trans-Pacific Trade Delays – Are You Prepared?

There is a LOT of conversation about trade wars, tariffs and politics yet what has created havoc this week is an act of mother nature. 

Amazon’s Deal with Party City & More Competitors

Since Amazon is willing to search for win-win deals with the competition, who knows what will come next.  Are you impacted by Amazon? 

What Tours Have You Gone on Lately?

How recently have you gone on a tour?  You might want to start by going on a tour of your company.  As strange as it sounds, it can be eye opening if you take the view of an external tour and see what you observe.  Better yet, take others with you and see what they observe.

Ireland’s Lean, Green Forklift Plant Proves Robots & IoT Not Required

According to a new an Industry Week article, you can achieve amazing growth and success without robots and IoT!  Combilift has used innovation, creativity and the customer experience to go it alone with amazing results!  Safer, simpler, smarter is their tag line.

U.S. #3 in Global Manufacturing Scorecard

According to the report, there has been a resurgence of manufacturing in the U.S. the last few years. With a continued focus on innovation, education and workforce development, we can keep this trend going.

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