
Supply Chain Briefing

Supply Chain Disruption Is NOT Dead Yet

According to the Wall Street Journal, supply chains are back to normal. We do NOT agree. Using a take-off from Monty Python, supply chain disruption is not dead yet.

Why Railroads Matter

There has been a lot of conversation about railroads lately. Why should we be concerned about keeping the railroads moving?

Are You Rethinking Your Supply Chain Strategy?

Should you be rethinking your supply chain strategy? Absolutely! There is so much volatility going on in the world that you must reevaluate your supply chain.

Current Status & Opportunities in the Global Supply Chain

I am co-Executive Director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and during our Annual Meeting, I facilitated a panel about the state of supply chain.

Managing Capacity in Complex, Volatile, Long-Lead Environment

Managing capacity during these turbulent times in a complex, volatile, long-lead time environment has proven quite the challenge. During the pandemic, sales volumes either dropped like a rock or skyrocketed with no middle ground. Most manufacturers have not been able to keep up with demand in the last year [...]

The State of Affairs in Package Shipping

To prepare for a segment on Bloomberg to talk about the state of logistics that will air with their interview of Deutsche Post DHL Group CFO Melanie Kreis (which will air on Chief Future Officer on Oct 5th), I did a deep dive on package shipping and related logistics systems.

Supply Chain Disruptions Continue at a Breakneck Pace

Supply chain disruptions continue at a break-neck pace.

What Are Clients Experiencing in Today’s Business Environment?

Our clients continue to experience an unprecedented level of volatility and complexity. The common themes include: Continued supply chain disruptions: From computer chips to commodities to everyday components/ materials, clients continue to experience shortages and/or extended lead times. Continued challenges in finding people: Whether you are looking for a [...]

State of Supply Chain

The successful companies will not only strive to be the strongest link in your supply chain, but they will ensure that the weakest link doesn't send their customers to the competition. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure your position as a market leader and thrive for years to come, if you choose to take advantage of the opportunity and start to act NOW.

Supply Chain Disruptions Impacting Baby Formula Availability

The latest in a long series of supply chain disruptions has impacted the baby formula industry. 40-50% of the shelves across the U.S. are out of stock for this critical item!

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