
Supply Chain Planning

Capacity Planning

The need for improved capacity and staffing analysis and decision-making arises frequently as a critical success factor with my clients, and so I thought a few tips would be beneficial: Start simple - Complex models don't drive results. Simple, easy-to-understand data will give you what you need to succeed. [...]

2023-07-22T09:28:30-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: Capacity & Labor Planning, Supply Chain Planning|Tags: |

Got Cash?

You wouldn’t think so from the way companies are hoarding cash; however, in general, they have a stockpile of cash and remain leery to spend it. Last year, there was a 2% decrease in days working capital (DWC), according to CFO Magazine.

Jim Cenname, President, US Aluminum

Just-in-Time Remains Justifiable

Published in Industry Week on May 11, 2007 It seems very common that people get on the bandwagon of some of these philosophies like JIT, and they give up as opposed to understanding that it's not something trendy to do," says Lisa Anderson, president and founder of business processes [...]

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