I write a monthly article on project management for Project Times, and so I thought I’d compile a few of the best tips in this month’s newsletter:

  1. Project leader – as my HR mentor says, it begins and ends with leadership. This is no different when it comes to project management. Yet there is a scarcity of effective leaders – hang on to your good ones!
  2. The project goal – why are you doing the project? Why does it matter? When the project team understands the answers to these questions and how they fit into the big picture, they are significantly more productive.
  3. Planning – often, business leaders are in such a rush for results that they overlook the importance of project planning. Developing a good plan can make or break a project.
  4. Proactive communication – one of the keys to success is communicating just before a critical task comes up and following up on the task.
  5. Rewards & recognition – catch people doing right!

© Lisa Anderson