Supply Chain Briefing

Demand and supply are out of whack to say the least. Manufacturers that supply toilet paper, food, healthcare products and other essential goods are seeing a surge in demand whereas those that don’t are seeing demand plummet. China was under lock down previously (causing a delay in the pipeline), and they are now operating around 80-90%; however, now we are under lock down. Retail sales are non-existent, and so the warehouses are full of the wrong products. Thus, inventory and transportation assets are typically in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong quantity. Watch my webinar on just this topic to learn more…

What Should We Consider and/or What Impacts Could Arise? 

It will not be business as usual as you ramp back up. Be vigilant in staying on top of what is happening and how quickly you can turn the dial to ramp back up. If you go too fast, you could get your supply chain further out of whack and anger customers. On the other hand, if you ramp up too slowly, not only will you lose money but you will also see your competition speed by. Instead, be proactive prior to the end of the shutdown to start things in motion, pay close attention to what’s happening and adjust accordingly. Stay tuned for my eBook,  Future-Proofing Manufacturing & Supply Chain Post COVID-19 

Please share your stories, challenges, ideas and successes. Contact us and please join in our free webinar series and listen to our archives. 


April 24, 2020