During tough economic times, skills development is critical. As jobs are tougher to find, those candidates embracing continual learning and skills development will have a leg up on the competition.

  1. Read voraciously – read a few of the bestseller business books and/or ask your mentors and colleagues for recommended books.
  2. Keep up on the news – do not spend 24/7 engrossed in the news (as it can be quite overwhelming and time consuming), but read and /or listen to the highlights.
  3. Webinars/ teleconferences/ newsletters – there are many free resources on an unlimited number of topics. Look on-line and you’ll find several sources for skills development.
  4. Find a mentor – search for mentors who have experienced success in an area, business or role you’d like to pursue. In my experience, this approach can be one of the best ways to quickly increase your skills and avoid common pitfalls. Make sure to find a way to make it a win-win relationship.
  5. Go to a class / seminar – keep up on the latest trends and cycles and/or learn something new.
  6. Experiment – try out your newly learned skills in a safe environment. Practice and preparation are keys to success.

© Lisa Anderson