Supply Chain Technologies

How Do Supply Chain Technologies Add Value?

ERP Selection is a Strategic Priority

ERP and related technologies should only be a priority if you want to grow and succeed for decades to come. By utilizing ERP and supply chain technologies, you’ll maximize your efficiency and drive customer satisfaction. If not, it will be the same as if you said you wanted to stick with the horse and buggy instead of leaping into a Ford.

To put this into perspective, according to Deloitte Insights (from 20220), manufacturers’ average IT budget as a percentage of revenue is 2.14%. Of course, it depends on whether you are small or large, but the ballpark remains valid. If focused on ERP (as a modern ERP system is vital to success), a rule of thumb is that you’ll spend 5-7% of revenue (for the full project price and implementation cost). How do these compare with your budgets?

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How do you benefit from Supply Chain Technologies?

Blog posts for Supply Chain Technologies

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Takeaways & Insights from SAP Sapphire Event

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industrial robots enhancing productivity and efficiency in a manufacturing setup for success

Industrial Robotics for Manufacturing & Supply Chain Success

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Optimizing customer experience diversity with ERP and related technologies, insights by LMA Consulting Group

Leveraging ERP and supply chain technologies for a diverse customer experience

Enterprise resource planning systems, CRMs and other tech such as RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, and GPS tracking all support this goal.

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