
Amazon effect

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Confirms Manufacturers Focused on Customer Experience Drivers

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – December 19, 2019 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., confirms that manufacturers are flexible and responsive to changing customer needs and demands. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply [...]

Will Amazon Pass UPS and FedEx?

Discover the impact of Amazon's logistics strategies on shipping giants like FedEx, UPS, and USPS. Stay competitive.

ERP software trends: what you should know for 2019

In today's marketplace, not only is the Amazon Effect in full force — requiring rapid deliveries and quick, data-driven decisions — but disruption abounds.
2024-02-16T18:23:18-08:00December 18, 2019|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , , |

Welcome to the Next Decade: Metalworking in Industry 4.0

Our manufacturing clients have really embraced the power of AI during the last year. From improved forecast accuracy that affects inventory levels, to working more openly with changing customer needs and the overall customer experience, they are already in the effects of using this data.

Drones are More Than a Pipe Dream

Explore the potential impact of drone technology on industries, businesses, and employees. Stay ahead in the technology game to thrive.

The Amazon Effect Won’t Die!

If you cannot provide rapid, customized service with easy returns and 'extra value', you will be left in the dust. The needs aren't going away. If anything, Amazon continues to raise the bar.

Thriving in a World of Rising Customer Expectations: Q&A with Lisa Anderson

According to a recent project44 report, 94% of business purchasers surveyed expect the same level of customer satisfaction from a business transaction as they do when making a personal purchase. These expectations revolve around “low-cost, fast and highly transparent delivery of goods.”

Do You Have a Resilient Supply Chain?

There is extreme volatility in today’s end-to-end supply chain.  To be successful, you need a resilient supply chain. Are you keeping up with all the changes? 

Manufacturing and Distribution Expert, Lisa Anderson, Confirms Inventory, Cost and Logistics Pressures in Supply Chain

Supply chain resiliency requires acute attention to inventory and cost pressures for manufacturers and distributors.
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