
Amazon effect

Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson Shares Big Picture Perspectives for Profit Opportunities

Lisa Anderson's new book offers unique perspectives on turning everyday business interactions into profitable opportunities for innovation.

Time or Money – Which Gets the Priority?

Deciding between time or money is an intricate balance. Getting it right guides strategic decisions aligning with business goals.

Amazon and Whole Foods

Amazon acquiring Whole Foods reflects strategic foresight into retail evolution, blending online prowess with physical store advantages

Rethinking Sourcing

Successful manufacturers are re-evaluating their outsourcing/ insourcing/ near-sourcing options. To remain competitive and have any hope of staying ahead of the curve, they are knee-deep in considering the options.

Fully Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here by 2020

Autonomous vehicles seem to arise at every corner.  Last week, I heard a presentation on autonomous vehicles by the executive VP of Hyundai, and earlier this week, I participated on a panel at Future Ports Annual Conference with a Caltrans researcher on autonomous vehicles.  What is clear is that [...]

Amazon Is Going to Australia!

Amazon's expansion into Australia will have impacts on retail, and how will it shape the future of global distribution and drone delivery?

Are You Ready for a Surprise Inspection of Your Service?

A commitment to stellar customer service is an ongoing process in which resources need to be dedicated to continuous improvement and exceeding customer expectations.

Near-shoring to increase in USA

A recently released study by Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., indicates that 70% of US manufacturing executives expect near-sourcing to increase within the next five years.
2024-05-08T19:33:19-07:00January 30, 2017|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing, Reshoring/ Nearshoring|Tags: , , , |

Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson Predicts 2018 to be Game Changer

What are the key trends in 2018 that are set to transform the supply chain landscape? Lisa Anderson shares expert insights.
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