
Brushware Magazine

How Smart Manufacturers Are Navigating Interest Rate Hikes

Interest rates have increased by a historic amount within the last year. Increases of almost 5 points on such an aggressive timeline is already having a significant impact on manufacturers and distributor’s ability to fund and support their business growth.

Manufacturing Opportunities in e-Commerce

Originally published in Brushware, March-April, 2023 According to Insider Intelligence, the US B2B e-commerce sales will be over $2 trillion by 2024. Digital Commerce 360 said that manufacturers’ B2B e-commerce sales have been growing at an annual rate of 16% since 2016 which is almost 1.5 times faster than [...]

Supply Chain Disruption Has Become an Excuse: Only the Proactive Will Thrive in 2024

Supply chain has become an excuse. Although there has certainly been a slew of supply chain challenges that carry on with baby formula shortages, rail backlogs, computer chip issues, hurricane induced delays, fertilizer scarcity, and China’s zero-COVID policy delays, supply chain should no longer be the excuse. Only the [...]

Case Study: Strategies to Successfully Navigate Inflation

As originally published in Brushware Magazine on Sept/ Oct 2022. Inflation continues to plague the world with escalating prices across a spectrum of products and services. The price of oil and gas has continued to rise and supply chain challenges persist, creating inflationary pressures across the board. Even though [...]

Using ERP & Related Technologies to Automate, Digitize & Thrive

Manufacturers utilize less than 20% of the full functionality of their ERP systems. But the key question is, why does it matter? In today’s inflationary and supply chain disrupted business environment, manufacturers need to automate and digitize to ‘do more with less’ and thrive during these volatile times. One important way to achieve this goal is to further leverage your ERP system where it will make a difference.

Brushware Magazine: Inflation Busters: Protecting Profits as Costs Rise

"Proactively managing cash flow is critical right now," says Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, Claremont, Calif. This can be done by running periodic forecasts.

Supply Chain Collaboration & VMI to Get Ahead of Economic Challenges

Manufacturers are experiencing continued inflationary pressures threatening customer service and profit margins with record-breaking price increases and lack of material availability.  To add fuel to the fire, they are also starting to worry about preparing for a potential recession.

Resiliency to Thrive During Inflationary & Volatile Times

According to the Wall Street Journal, consumer prices are the highest in 40 years. It certainly doesn’t seem to be letting up. In fact, with the Russia-Ukraine war, there will be continued inflationary pressures on products related to oil, gas, commodity, and food at a minimum.

Proactive Planning to Grow & Scale

According to FactSet Insight, revenue growth is predicted at 7.5% for 2022 which is substantial when considering it is following record-breaking growth in 2021. Clients and colleagues are seeing record increases in sales revenues and pricing.

When Will the Supply Chain Disruptions End?

Supply chain disruptions will continue throughout 2022. In fact, we need to accept that supply chain challenges will be commonplace in the next normal. Each link in the supply chain will continue to blame the others while the end-to-end supply chain will only be as strong as its weakest link. Manufacturers will continue to experience shortages of materials and labor while prices escalate.

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