Short term vs the long term: Navigating Turbulent Times
As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.
As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.
Inflation, Recession, Both? We are in unique times with inflationary pressures continuing while recessionary trends are emerging as well. In either instance, it is vital to right-size inventory. It will not change anytime soon. With interest rates rising rapidly, it will curb demand while increasing the cost of capital. [...]
Lisa Anderson was quoted in a press release about global consulting awards.
LMA client, Armacell LLC, provides senior management, operations management, supply chain management (integrated business planning), and sales viewpoints on their experience in working with the LMA team and the results they achieved.
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, known as the Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain® and President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., works with organizations to improve and protect supply chains by initiating cross-organizational alignment.
The LMA Experience: David Cox, General Manager of Operations, Armacell LLC discusses the experience of working with LMA Consulting Group.
The LMA Experience: Geoff Michalak, Integrated Business Planning Manager, Armacell LLC discusses their experience with LMA Consulting.
The LMA Experience: Sandy Shattles, Business Manager, Insulation Group, Armacell LLC discusses working with LMA Consulting.
The LMA Experience: Ciro Ahmada, VP of Americas, Armacell LLC discusses their experience with LMA Consulting Group - their supply chain and customer challenges and how the LMA team worked to support positive change.
Experts advise looking at the coming months with an eye toward estimating what will happen to cash balances. "Proactively managing cash flow is critical right now," mentions Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group.