
business relationships

Global Consultants & The Value of Diversity

It is easy for us to become comfortable with people like us and not seek out diverse, sometimes scary opinions from others. Although I see great value in the global nature of my group, it isn't because I focus on having a global practice.

2024-06-04T23:33:06-07:00November 27, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

My 5-City Cross-Country Trip & the Value of Collecting Good People

A personal account of a cross-country trip emphasizing the importance of building and maintaining connections with good people.

2024-02-16T21:26:25-08:00October 10, 2018|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

The Ladies of Logistics & Global Trends

September 10, 2018 Thanks to Elizabeth Warren for hosting the informal Southern CA group, the Ladies of Logistics (LOL) as we had a fabulous time and made amazing connections.  Where else can you go and see every key connection related to trucking, the ports, freight forwarders, logistics, global [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Presents 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace Executive, Kelly Ford

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – July 27, 2018 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., presented the 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace/Defense executive, Kelly Ford.  "It is a pleasure to recognize Kelly Ford with our 2018 LMA Advocate Award.  We [...]

Hawaii and Strategic Thinking

I met my global consulting group in Hawaii to talk strategy.  Have you thought about where you are going lately?  More importantly, have you thought about why you are going there?  It is quite easy to get caught up in doing whatever you set out to do a year [...]

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