
business results

Supply Chain and Manufacturing Expert Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting Group Celebrate 10 Years in Business

LMA Consulting Group and Lisa Anderson celebrate 10 years in business along with many of the key accomplishments that have been standouts in supply chain, manufacturing and distribution. Anderson, who was recently named to the top 100 best global supply chain management blogs by SupplyChainOpz, and also recognized as [...]

2024-06-16T18:51:25-07:00May 27, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , |

It Begins and Ends with People

The best businesses see their employees as assets and treat them like partners.I constantly go back to what my HR mentor (Debra Daniels) used to say, “It begins and ends with people.” She was right! Earlier today, I went to lunch with 3 trusted advisors who work with the [...]

Innovation Tips from the APICS-IE Executive Panel & Networking Symposium

My APICS (#1 trade association for supply chain and operations management) chapter hosted an executive panel & networking symposium which was focused on the topic of innovation. Innovation is a critical topic! Problem solving and maintaining the status quo is no longer enough as customers expect more, regulations increase [...]

What You Don’t See

Missing important clues at work because they’re not obvious or visible is as good as going around with blinders. Part of having an eagle eye is knowing what you don't see. I've found that being observant while walking around a manufacturing or distribution facility can yield many hidden gems. [...]

Leverage Systems for Growth

If you’re riding a wave of growing demand put systems in place that can support the increased workload and not wipe out your goals. Lately I've been talking with many clients and potential clients who are interested in growth. Although rapid growth is exciting, it can also be one [...]

Cherry Blossoms & The Value of Time

I was in DC this week for a conference. My theme last week was on continuous learning, and I put that into practice this week. Walked away with several ideas. It just so happens to be in "cherry season" in DC (see below). This is what got me thinking [...]

2023-09-19T14:07:04-07:00April 17, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Cross Supply Chain Opportunities

Look beyond your immediate customers to their customers, and so on, for cross-supply chain opportunities that could spell win-win-win for all I find that cross-functional teams can be some of the most valuable teams that generate winning ideas. By taking a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and [...]

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

With every business looking for a customer service edge your CRM system should set you apart from your competitors to create customer loyalty. Keeping with the customer theme, I thought a brief discussion on CRM would be in order. In the last 5 years, I've seen the importance of [...]

Your Customer Comes 1st

Believing you understand your customers’ needs can differ vastly from what they actually want. In the end though, the customer gets what the customer wants, whether from you or your competition. As I thought about an appropriate topic, I was reminded of the importance of starting with your customer. [...]

The Value of SIOP

I've been thinking about the value of SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning). Not only can it be a great way to gain bottom line results (capacity to support business growth, improved margins, accelerated cash flow), but it also can help align the functions of an organization. I've facilitated [...]

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