
business results

Customer Collaboration on Orders = RESULTS

Working in partnership with your customers delivers winning results on both ends. Customer collaboration has become cornerstone to success in today’s supply chain driven world. We are all part of a supply chain, and so we must look for ways to thrive within our supply chains. Undoubtedly, those who [...]

Leaders Must Be Strong!

Published January 9, 2015 I started writing this about supply chain strategy, and I might go back to that topic next week as I was preparing to teach an APICS CSCP (certified supply chain professional) class tomorrow; however, I was diverted on a conference call that compelled me to [...]

Benchmarking for Success

You won’t know what heights your company can reach until you figure out where you stand among industry peers. How do you know whether you are reaching your company's potential? Is $2 million dollars profit good? Well, it sounds good..... However, the key is really in comparison to what [...]

2023-09-17T03:07:30-07:00January 1, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Are You Planning for Failure?

Your business won’t thrive if you expect the worst. Instead, plan for the best outcome and watch it unfold. Are you planning for failure? I imagine no one thinks they plan for failure; however, I see it happen more than you'd think. Instead, plan for success, and success will [...]

2020-09-28T21:01:49-07:00January 1, 2015|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , , , , |

How to Select Priorities

You’re in danger of spinning your wheels aimlessly by having too many priorities. Focus on the priorities that truly impact your business and are aligned with your strategy. I've yet to meet a client that didn't have FAR too many priorities for what could be achieved successfully. Instead of [...]

Collaboration Platform

Collaboration along the supply chain injects a steady flow of new ideas and solutions — key drivers in the quest for bottom line results. At the APICS 2014 International Conference, one of the keynote speakers was a futurist. He talked about the importance of a collaborative platform. I say [...]

SIOP Metrics: 5 Key Baseline Measurements

Of all the overlapping metrics available to executives the best ones enhance SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP, and offer the most vital information for running a business.

Uncommon Common Sense Project Management

Increasingly, project management is a matter of getting more accomplished in less time. The simplest way to succeed is by using smart and simple approaches. Published in "Project Times" website, October 14, 2014 Click here for original article. Why is everyone searching for the latest and greatest technology and [...]

The Amazon Effect: Critical Importance of Customer Service

Customer service is no longer just a department. A thriving business will pay full attention to all customer points of contact and ensure positive experiences. Companies that create loyal fans of customers thrive and leave the rest in the dust!  This has never been truer than it is in [...]

A Planning Mindset

Planning is essential for business management, but by really embracing it and getting into a planning mindset you can figure out innovative, improved strategies across all segments of your company. Developing a planning mindset can be invaluable to not only planners but also to any supply chain management employee/ [...]

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