
business trends

Washington County Chamber of Commerce: Future Trends for Manufacturing in Washington County

Lisa Anderson, the Keynote Presentation is the founder and president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in manufacturing strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation that maximizes the customer experience and enables profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.

Adaptability and Resiliency: Trends to Emerge Above and Beyond in 2021

In our eBook Emerging Above & Beyond: 21 Insights for 2021 from Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Technology Executives, many executives discuss the critical importance of adaptability and resiliency. The pandemic kicked off with volatility of customer demand (toilet paper and hand sanitizer were in scarce supply whereas aerospace and [...]

Mass Customization & Personalization: Rising Trends

In our eBook Emerging Above & Beyond: 21 Insights for 2021 from Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Technology Executives, two technology executives discuss the critical importance of personalization. With the dramatic rise in e-commerce during the pandemic and experts agreeing that it will only accelerate, hyper-personalization has emerged as a [...]

Boom or Recession? What is the State of the Economy?

In the last few months, I've attended sessions on the global, national and regional state of the economy. Every executive, trusted advisor and colleague wants to know: Are we headed for a recession?

2023-11-27T20:45:50-08:00May 6, 2019|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

The Latest Trends

Once you have thought through the trends most likely to impact your business, it might make sense to think about how to transform these impacts into opportunities.  Profitable and scalable growth is the common thread among every single one of my clients.

2024-01-31T16:55:20-08:00January 22, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , |

Is Your Supply Chain Ready for Scalable Growth?

Growth is a hot topic. Regardless of your industry, if your company isn't growing, it is dying. 

The Eagles and Apprenticeships

Are you thinking about apprenticeships?  It doesn't have to be as dramatic as an untimely death; there are many reasons you should be thinking many years down-the-line with your apprenticeship programs.

The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy

Effective supply chain strategic planning secures a competitive edge, ensuring efficiency, adaptability, and market leadership.

Collaborating on Economic Forecasts

Since economics can have a dramatic impact on our business, it is worthwhile to pay attention - at a minimum.  Attend sessions on economics trends, read economic updates, and dig into the key factors that are most likely to impact your business.

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