
business trends

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The critical importance of customer service has emerged, and so having tools to aid with this process has become trendy - and helps to grow the business.

Looking for Opportunities for the New Year

A brand new year is the logical time to look for business growth opportunities. The trick is in spotting the right chances and acting on them.

Customer Collaboration on Orders = RESULTS

Customer collaboration has become cornerstone to success in today’s supply chain driven world.

Essential Skills of the Supply Chain Superhero

Surviving and flourishing in today’s business environment increasingly demands more of the supply chain professional, including excelling at soft and technical skills

Data Driven Leader

Actionable data drives the most successful businesses. To cut through today’s information overload a data driven leader has to be incisive, creative, and decisive.

Manufacturing Wages are Going UP!

Manufacturing wages are rising, driven by a skills gap and competition for qualified talent, urging companies to review strategies.

The Amazon Effect: Critical Importance of Customer Service

Customer service is no longer just a department. A thriving business will pay full attention to all customer points of contact and ensure positive experiences.

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