
client success story

Why People Matter

Most clients do not have as much talent as they need (at least in key roles or sites). Similar to inventory, many clients might have talent but do not have the type of talent in the right place (or available) at the right time. Classic challenges!

David Cox – General Manager of Operations, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: David Cox, General Manager of Operations, Armacell LLC discusses the experience of working with LMA Consulting Group.

Geoff Michalak – Integrated Business Planning Manager, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: Geoff Michalak, Integrated Business Planning Manager, Armacell LLC discusses their experience with LMA Consulting.

Sandy Shattles – Business Manager (Inside & Outside Sales), Insulation Group, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: Sandy Shattles, Business Manager, Insulation Group, Armacell LLC discusses working with LMA Consulting.

Ciro Ahumada – Vice President Americas, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: Ciro Ahmada, VP of Americas, Armacell LLC discusses their experience with LMA Consulting Group - their supply chain and customer challenges and how the LMA team worked to support positive change.

2023-09-16T19:55:23-07:00September 12, 2022|Categories: Video Testimonials, Videos & Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

Craig Young, Senior Director of Operation, Nellson

Lisa Anderson and the team at LMA Consulting working with Nellson to upgrade the planning, purchasing/ MRP, supply chain and S&OP/ SIOP processes. The result was improved service levels with on time in full (OTIF) from the low 90's to the high 90's; reduced inventory levels; reduced obsolete inventory, improved billbacks on expired material (from around 0% to nearly 100%); and gained more value from the ERP system.

Clients Using SIOP Pulling Ahead of the Competition: SIOP Case Study

In working with clients across multiple industries including industrial equipment, food and beverage, building and construction products and healthcare products, there is no doubt that clients using a SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning) and integrated business planning process are pulling away from the competition.

Bryan Vansell, President & Owner, Laguna Clay Company

Bryan Vansell

Evan Cohen, President & CEO, Quality Marble & Granite

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