

Challenges of Integrating Technology Across the Supply Chain

Challenges of Integrating Technology Across Supply Chain - Pac Rim/ North America Perspectives

Virtual Meeting Checklist for Success

How many Zoom meetings have you attended this week? Since COVID, we probably lead or attend 35-45 virtual meetings a week. Whew! It seems we better figure this out and develop strategies for success. What About a Virtual Conference? Now take that to the next level with a virtual [...]

2024-02-15T16:40:55-08:00December 1, 2020|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Zoom Fatigue and How to Stay Engaged

Lots of people are complaining of Zoom fatigue. Do you have Zoom fatigue? It can be a challenge to be in front of a screen and camera for 8-10 hours a day. After all, there are some days I don't have time to eat, get a drink or use [...]

2023-09-27T22:43:58-07:00October 5, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Top Change Management Tips for ERP Implementation Success

  "Change management determines ERP implementation success" may be the most-ignored advice in the enterprise technology realm. That doesn't make it any less important. ERP offers significant business advantages -- but only if it is widely adopted. And that means CIOs and other leaders must prioritize people. "Particularly in [...]

A 98 Year Old’s Wisdom & the Toltek Agreements

Apply the timeless Toltek wisdom to your life, enhancing personal and professional success with these simple yet profound principles.

My Late Aunt Marge & the Art of Conversation

No matter your skill in conversation, you can improve. Start by focusing on the other person. That alone can go a long way.

2024-01-31T22:46:01-08:00October 14, 2017|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |
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