

Gain a Strategic Focus on Quality IF Customers are Important

People and companies have more choices than ever before. If you wish to remain in the race, quality must be more than an assumption; it must become a strategic focus.

The Right Combination of Technical & Communication Skills ROCKS!

February 18, 2017 I am the Chair of the APICS West Coast student case competition, and we just wrapped up our 2017 event.  We had 104 students from around the world fly into San Diego to compete.  It was a really impressive group of students!     The [...]

Navigating the Global Supply Chain Starts with People

Your supply chain is only as strong as your weakest link so you must develop your employees and find ways for them to work together more effectively.

Unscrambling a Challenged System Implementation

When faced with a challenging system implementation, take a step back and reassess instead of devoting more resources to a plan that may not work out.

How to Manage Supply Chain Complexity (using PM tools)

Supply chains continue to increase in complexity. I've observed this firsthand from managing hundreds of projects in manufacturing organizations over the last 25 years, including navigating end-to-end supply chain. Being able to effectively manage this complexity is essential to achieve important business objectives–growth and profitability.

Project Success Is All About The People

Project success starts and ends with people. Give your project a head start with a top leader to guide the cross-functional tasks along the way.

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