

Why the Best of the Best Use Eagle Eye Focus

The most successful business people keep an eagle eye focus on a top priority or passion. As I’ve been thinking about what my most successful clients have in common, I continually see the value of eagle eye focus. Tonight I attended the Spirit of the Entrepreneur, which is the [...]

2023-09-17T16:53:51-07:00November 11, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , , |

Put Your Eagle Eye on What’s Key to Success-Leadership

Effective and successful leaders have the ability to formulate a company vision and also translate that vision into execution. Leadership will make or break your business. Put your eagle eye on ensuring success in this arena and you’ll thrive. The two core tasks of a leader are 1) to set strategy, [...]

What We Can Learn from Jack Welch

Successful companies put people ahead of strategy, process, and systems. While attending APICS 2015, I heard Jack Welch, former GE CEO and best-selling business author, speak about the value of people. My ears perked up as I have found that the best processes and systems will fail miserably without [...]

It Takes All Types of Managers for Success

October 26, 2015 My Dad's funeral was this weekend, and it went as well as a funeral can go. We tried to make it a celebration of life. He certainly was a family man, and it was easy to remember all his good qualities. He drove me to skating [...]

10 Ways to Stay Focused on the Critical Path

Maintaining focus on projects in the midst of business volatility is challenging, but preparing a road map with team strategies to concentrate on the critical path will ensure success.

Empower Your People to GROW

When you empower your people with the right tools and decision-making, they take share in the ownership and business success. Businesses must capture opportunities rapidly to outpace their competition.  Thus, it is even more important to be the best at identifying, prioritizing, and implementing opportunities which will deliver bottom [...]

The Power of Communication

Make improving communications the cornerstone of your goals and you will have more engaged participants willing to help you achieve the rest of your goals. If there is one thing that ALL of my clients have in common, it is that communication always needs improvement. It almost seems like [...]

2023-09-15T17:44:09-07:00September 3, 2015|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

It’s Not What You Know; It’s Who You Know

As I was debating about what to write about this week, two colleagues walked into my client's office for help in resolving an issue. Upon leaving, one said "It's not what you know; it's who you know". I thought this phrase rang true. Clearly, you have to be competent. [...]

Strategies to Keep Your project On-Track of Manufacturers and Distributors

The most successful projects are well-managed and kept on track. A strong plan and focus-oriented strategies will keep the team motivated and on task. Published in "Project Times" website, August 21, 2015 Click here for original article. As easy as it seems to keep a well-planned project on-track, it [...]

Why The Little Things Matter

August 4, 2015 I dropped my phone last week which I've done many times before; however, this time it shattered. Thus, I had to use my insurance to get a replacement phone. I received my replacement phone and got everything working, and then I realized it wouldn't charge on [...]

2020-10-02T22:27:42-07:00August 4, 2015|Categories: I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , , |
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