

How to Defy the Odds with Culture Change

I’ve had first-hand experience working with companies in various stages of mergers and acquisitions and other significant change projects, and the answers are incredibly simple yet hard to execute.

Thriving in Volatility & Recession

We are in an era of volatility. Who ever thought we'd get used to commonplace bank failures? How about the Dow rising or falling by hundreds of points in a day? Oil gushing into the Gulf? Toyota quality issues? Never! Get used to erratic change as it is the "new normal".

The $1 million dollar planner

With all the competing demands within a supply chain organization, a $1 Million Dollar Planner is the person that can see the bigger picture and communicate just how the company’s objectives can be achieved.

Execution: The Difference Between Profit & Loss

Those clients who are able to execute strategies and plans are those who are the most successful – grow the business even in a downturn and improve profitability.

Project Failure: How to Avoid Top Causes

Communication is vital to project management success. Are you looking for different methods to make certain your messages is getting across?

Speed is King: How Do We Leverage for Project Management?

In the race for increased profits is speed leaving vital priorities behind? Assess all factors before jumping the gun.

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