

Washington Manufacturing Alert: Manufacturing Experts Assess What Will Be Different After COVID-19

At the moment, Covid-19 is the dominant factor of influence of virtually every aspect of business. But what happens when that moment has passed? Will the changes for manufacturing be permanent and if so what will they be? We asked some manufacturing experts, and here are their thoughts: Manufacturing [...]

2024-02-15T21:11:51-08:00May 4, 2020|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing|Tags: , , , |

Press Release – Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Releases eBook Future-Proofing Manufacturing and the Supply Chain Post COVID-19

The importance of the supply chain came into focus as shelter-in-place orders and the COVID-19 epidemic shifted the demand and supply for newly deemed essential items. "Manufacturers have long understood the intricacies of the supply chain. What has recently emerged is the key role that the supply chain plays [...]

Demand & Supply Are Out of Whack!

Demand and supply are out of whack to say the least. Manufacturers that supply toilet paper, food, healthcare products and other essential goods are seeing a surge in demand whereas those that don't are seeing demand plummet. China was under lock down previously (causing a delay in the [...]

The Intersection of Supply Chain and Human Behavior

I talked with the Direct Relief about the global supply chain during the pandemic. We discussed the issues of hoarding, the impacts on the global supply chain and what could be done to realign the supply chain so that consumers had what they needed where they needed it when [...]

The Economy, Where It Is Headed & What to Do

Since I dressed up for my webinar with Eileen Angulo on "Navigating Coronavirus Impact with our Employees," it seemed a great time to do a quick video for I've Been Thinking on the economy and where we go from here.  One Tip to Implement This [...]

Are You Drinking From a Fire Hose in Managing Supply Chain Disruption?

Every client is experiencing unprecedented disruption! Unfortunately, one had to shutdown since their product is considered non-essential. Most others continue to operate to varying levels. Most manufacturers and distributors are considered critical because they supply defense, the construction/ building industry, the food and beverage industry or the healthcare/ medical [...]

2024-06-09T00:46:23-07:00April 10, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Restocking Shelves Amid the Novel Coronavirus

I talked with the Santa Clarita Valley Signal on the problems keeping shelves stocked amid the coronavirus lockdown. We talked about the end-to-end supply chain and what impacts the supply chain would have on how quickly the shelves would be restocked. See below for the reprinted article from the [...]

Request for Help & Creativity for Manufacturers

Since I relate to several different manufacturing and supply chain organizations, I've seen several requests for our expertise. Thus, I am passing them all on so that we can help fight this coronavirus by pulling together our resources and expertise. We are in a new world and need to [...]

2023-10-15T23:23:55-07:00March 26, 2020|Categories: Supply Chain Briefing|Tags: , |
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