
customer experience

Creating Customer Advocates During Supply Chain Disruption

Significant supply chain disruption is impacting the client revenue and impacting their ability to service customers said Lisa Anderson, president of ASCM Inland Empire Chapter and LMA Consulting Group.

Thriving Post COVID with Technology Advancements

Clients on the fast-track with technology advancements are surpassing the competition during COVID and are likely to speed by them post COVID. This is the topic of a special report I contributed to that was published by Compass magazine "Agility in a crisis: Manufacturers equipped with virtual-experience technologies stepped [...]

2024-06-14T08:26:07-07:00December 1, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , |

A Fractured Tooth & The Power of the Customer Experience

Well, no doubt about it, when it rains, it pours. I had a tooth ache that lasted about a week, and so I called my dentist. They took an X-ray, and it didn't really show anything; however, when looking with a microscope, they could see the fracture. We had [...]

B2B, B2C & Associated Technology

According to 99 Firms, B2B e-commerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023. They have also stated that over 80% of B2B buyers visit a website before making a purchasing decision.

Are You Developing Close Relationships with Your Customers?

Are You Developing Close Relationships with Your Customers? During turbulent times, relationships move faster than at any other time. Will they move in a positive direction or a negative one? That is the only question. In fact, customers will be reevaluating what they buy and when they buy [...]

Future-Proofing Your Customers

In thinking about future-proofing your people, it makes sense to start with your customers. Have you thought about future-proofing your customers? The statistics are staggering. According to Outbound Engine, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. We wouldn't be surprised if the [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Confirms Manufacturers Focused on Customer Experience Drivers

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – December 19, 2019 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., confirms that manufacturers are flexible and responsive to changing customer needs and demands. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply [...]

Customer Care 1.01 & The SLURPY Method by Guest Blogger, Steve Weimar

When we think of why a customer buys from us and how to retain them we need to look at every aspect of our business, who adds value and who are the Contact Points or CP’s. We also need to adopt a simple company operating philosophy I call SLURPY.

The Amazon Effect Won’t Die!

If you cannot provide rapid, customized service with easy returns and 'extra value', you will be left in the dust. The needs aren't going away. If anything, Amazon continues to raise the bar.

Impact of Your Customer’s First Experience with Your Product or Service

Your customers' first impression can be very important. It gives them a "feeling" about your product or service.
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