
customer experience

How Customer Service & Retention Directly Impact Profits & Performance

June 11, 2019 Since I've been speaking to CEOs about "Pricing & Profits", the true impact of customer service and retention is arising as a game changer. Can you create a situation where you make a "forever promise" to your customers? It certainly will directly impact your customers' perceptions [...]

Amazon Adds In-Garage Delivery Option

According to Good Morning America, Amazon is adding in-garage delivery options to its already vast array of delivery options - in-home and in-car.

Have you Thought about Increasing Demand?

No matter the position of my client (typically a CEO, Owner, CFO, General Manager or Board member), he/she is interested in increasing demand, and the project we are brought in to focus on relates to increasing demand, either directly or indirectly.

What’s Ahead for Business?

Our most successful clients will be thinking about these trends to integrate into their strategy, their customer conversations and their employee and partner plans. Are you positioned to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the risks?

Manufacturing Adds the Most Jobs in the Year

According to Industry Week, manufacturing employment increased almost 300,000 over the last year! This is after increasing around 200,000 the year prior which is more than a 40% increase.

Supply Chain Resiliency: Video Interview on Disruption in Logistics

With an increasing frequency, supply chain partners are pulling together to find solutions to challenges.  Moreover, the strategic use of data is at a premium. Our most successful clients don't wait for these disruptors to crush them.

The Resilient Supply Chain: Does Supplier Negotiation Work?

Insights into the role of supplier negotiation in strengthening supply chain resilience and business partnerships.

It’s a Small World & the Customer Experience

No matter your position, try experiencing your company as a customer would.  Are you able to call whoever you might need to talk to without annoying phone system automation? 

Outstanding Customer Experience Can Be A Key Differentiator For Successful Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., August 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ -- Organizations that offer outstanding customer experience are often those that are more innovative, profitable, and higher performing, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Innovative Cultures That Exceed Customer Needs Breed Success “It is worthwhile to invest in customer service [...]

Ireland’s Lean, Green Forklift Plant Proves Robots & IoT Not Required

According to a new an Industry Week article, you can achieve amazing growth and success without robots and IoT!  Combilift has used innovation, creativity and the customer experience to go it alone with amazing results!  Safer, simpler, smarter is their tag line.
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