
customer service

Why is it So Hard to Focus on Priorities?

Competing priorities may seem equally important and worthy of full attention. For significant impact, though, you have to stop and determine what you can safely put on the back burner. Why is it so challenging for executives to focus on priorities? It would seem simple; however it rarely is [...]

The Value of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

I'm in process of teaching my first APICS CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) session, and earlier today I taught a section on CRM.  In addition, I've been helping clients select the "right" ERP system to best meet their business priorities, and CRM has emerged as a top priority.  The [...]

The Manufacturing ConnectorSM Lisa Anderson Shares How to Exceed Customer Expectations at 2015 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting GroupSM and a supply chain management expert, shared with MCIE's (Manufacturing Council of the Inland Empire) 2015 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit attendees proven strategies on how they can fulfill customer expectations in today's fast-moving delivery landscape. As a panelist alongside other leading supply [...]

2024-06-16T18:50:19-07:00February 26, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

Customer Collaboration on Orders = RESULTS

Working in partnership with your customers delivers winning results on both ends. Customer collaboration has become cornerstone to success in today’s supply chain driven world. We are all part of a supply chain, and so we must look for ways to thrive within our supply chains. Undoubtedly, those who [...]

Often Overlooked Value of Production Planning

Developing and maintaining a working production plan is no easy feat, but the best planners make the job seem effortless. Production planning is often overlooked as to its true value. Perhaps it is because it is often delegated to lower-skilled resources? Or perhaps it is because it is in [...]

Customer Service…the Art of Success

Published December 26, 2014 There have been a few times in the last day where I'm reminded of the value of customer service. There is an art to success. It is not merely the words spoken. Instead, it has to do with whether the person seems to truly care [...]

Inventory Velocity

By implementing a SIOP process you’ll be in a better position to leverage your resources for a speedier inventory velocity. Inventory velocity not only accelerates cash flow but it also can contribute to margin improvement. How do we turn inventory faster and keep our money in motion vs. stagnating in the back of our warehouse?

Collaboration Platform

Collaboration along the supply chain injects a steady flow of new ideas and solutions — key drivers in the quest for bottom line results. At the APICS 2014 International Conference, one of the keynote speakers was a futurist. He talked about the importance of a collaborative platform. I say [...]

UPS Notes E-Commerce Boom

Published October 24, 2014 According to today's Wall Street Journal, UPS had robust growth in the third quarter, which was strongly influenced by the e-commerce boom. E-commerce now accounts for about 45% of U.S. packages. Is e-commerce on your radar? I'm on the flight back from Phoenix as I [...]

SIOP Metrics: 5 Key Baseline Measurements

Of all the overlapping metrics available to executives the best ones enhance SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP, and offer the most vital information for running a business.
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