
customer service

How to Thrive in 2010’s “New Normal” Business Operations Environment

In the Great Depression, more people became millionaires and more businesses prepared for success than in any other timeframe. The same type of opportunity will be available in the "new normal." Will your operation be the one to take advantage of this opportunity?

2024-12-14T19:50:11-08:00May 9, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: , , , |

Metrics for Customer Loyalty

Polling my clients and contacts, I've found there's no exception to the rule that customer loyalty is no longer a nice-to-have; instead, it must be an assumption in today's "new normal" business environment.

The Keys to Delivering Exceptional Customer Service

These techniques epitomize "profit through people" - through your customer relationships.

Achieving Inventory Velocity “and” Customer Delight

How can the Acme Company situation change with inventory velocity?

Why Customer Service Should be #1

The good news is that any business or person can stand out in the crowd with exceptional customer service - no investment required.

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