
demand planning

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Predicts Proactive Approach to Demand and Diversification of Supply is Key to Future-Proofing Manufacturing and the Supply Chain

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – May 27, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., predicts that a proactive understanding of customer demand and diversification within the supply chain will prevent a next round of guffaws as the effects of COVID-19 [...]

Do You Know Your Demand for Your Custom Business?

Demand planning is critically important to inventory management success. Drive better inventory control, cash flow, and profitability

2024-02-16T18:53:20-08:00October 23, 2019|Categories: Demand Planning, Inner Circle, Supply Chain Planning|Tags: , , , |

Is there an ROI on a Forecasting System?

Since forecasting can deliver significant benefits with increased levels of service, inventory turnover and margin improvement, the question that inevitably arises is whether it makes sense to purchase a forecasting or demand planning system.

Is CRM Valuable?

When clients decide to upgrade ERP, they also look at CRM (customer relationship management) because it makes sense to align the technology infrastructure into a common platform that will be fully integrated and scalable.

Why Inventory Will Matter Again

Inventory is circling back in importance and will become a hot topic again as customers expect immediate, customized deliveries with the expectation of easy returns and last-minute changes to orders in production, in the warehouse or in transit. What are you doing to get ahead of this ‘new normal’ assumption?

Have you Thought about Increasing Demand?

No matter the position of my client (typically a CEO, Owner, CFO, General Manager or Board member), he/she is interested in increasing demand, and the project we are brought in to focus on relates to increasing demand, either directly or indirectly.

UGG Founder, the Amazon Effect in Healthcare & Why Demand is Key

In listening to the UGG founder, Brian Smith talk through his trials and tribulations in developing the amazing UGG brand, a few themes emerged.

The Value of Demand Planning

In supply chain circles, there are lots of exciting concepts to discuss and debate such as lean, master scheduling, theory of constraints and many more; however, we have found that our most successful clients start with the customer!  

SIOP: How Far Should You Look into the Future?

SIOP guides strategic forecasting to determine the optimal horizon for planning and future-proofing your supply chain operations.

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