
digitized supply chain

The Digital Transformation

I’ll be talking more and more about the digital transformation as it will impact every client in a substantial way. Recently I met with a significant, regional CPA firm’s manufacturing and technology experts.

Supply Chain Strategy: Modernization tips from Lisa Anderson

For business leaders looking to modernize their supply chain, the technology investment is the easy part: Evaluate solutions, calculate the ROI, make your business case, and take delivery. Sure, it can be tricky to get sign off on these tech investments, but it’s a business problem with a logical [...]

What’s Ahead for Supply Chain?

To think about what's ahead in supply chain, it is important to put it in perspective with what's ahead in business. 

Last Mile Has Become Last Minute & the GE Port Optimizer

Insight into how GE Port Optimizer is reshaping last mile logistics for enhanced supply chain performance.

Supply Chain Management Is Evolving: How Will It Affect Your Enterprise?

Operational efficiencies, productivity improvements, and cost savings are the top-three strategic advantages of cloud-based supply chain management, according to an IDG survey of senior managers and directors around the world.

Is Digitization Hype?

Digitization isn't going to take over our day-to-day operations anytime soon; however, if we want to lead in our industry and provide exceptional service to our customers, we better get ahead of this curve, no matter how slow-moving at the moment.  

Hot Topics in Supply Chain Management?

Empower your operation by arming yourself with knowledge of supply chain trends. See the top four I learned from the APICS International Conference..

How iPhones (and Mobility) Have Invaded Businesses

No sales executive wants to log on his/her computer from the road instead of accessing information at his/her fingertips on a hand held device.

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