

Advanced Warehouse Management Leveraging Key Metrics to Increase Efficiencies and Resiliency

Today’s challenging economic environment is forcing organizations to be more agile than ever to satisfy evolving customer demands. This requires more efficient warehouse management grounded in metrics that effectively measure performance and provide insight into supply chain behaviors. Join our upcoming webinar for a discussion on how to leverage [...]

WMS Efficiency, Resiliency & Metrics

As manufacturers and distributors emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, they are focused on how to grow revenue and become more efficient and profitable to offset the typically negative impacts of COVID. In the situations where business has grown exponentially in consumer industries such as B2C (e-commerce), home improvement and [...]

E-Commerce, PPE & Peak Season: Transportation Bottlenecks Abound

With the rise in e-commerce, PPE imports, the typical holiday peak season and preparation for coronavirus and Chinese New Year impacts, transportation bottlenecks abound. A few of the headlines/ statistics include (with a special thanks to B.J. Patterson of Pacific Mountain Logistics for passing on several of these statistics): [...]

The Rise of E-commerce & WMS Systems During the Pandemic

July 24, 2020 According to Forbes, COVID-19 accelerated e-commerce growth by 4-6 years. Smart players are taking advantage of the opportunity. Only Amazon takes in more money than Shopify's websites, and analysts are predicting a 75% annual rise in the next five years. The ONLY item in common across [...]

What’s Going on in Logistics & the Upcoming E-commerce & Logistics Summit

July 19, 2020 The most recent webinar in our APICS Inland Empire webinar series featured Frank Moullet from Shamrock Foods talking about distribution, food service and how they've navigated through COVID-19. We had an engaging discussion on how they made a sharp right turn pivot early on and [...]

When and Where to Move a Distribution Center

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. was quoted in ACHR News about moving a distribution facility, and why it is a huge decision.

2024-02-16T18:47:31-08:00December 2, 2019|Categories: Distribution & Warehousing, In The News, Supply Chain Trade & Logistics|Tags: |

Thriving in a World of Rising Customer Expectations: Q&A with Lisa Anderson

According to a recent project44 report, 94% of business purchasers surveyed expect the same level of customer satisfaction from a business transaction as they do when making a personal purchase. These expectations revolve around “low-cost, fast and highly transparent delivery of goods.”

When is it the ‘Right’ Time for a Supply Chain Network Assessment?

Supply Chain networks that are not set up to support scalable, profitable growth have a high likelihood of negatively impacting your customers, impeding your growth and consuming far more resources than ever imagined to sustain. 

What Tours Have You Gone on Lately?

How recently have you gone on a tour?  You might want to start by going on a tour of your company.  As strange as it sounds, it can be eye opening if you take the view of an external tour and see what you observe.  Better yet, take others with you and see what they observe.

Motocross, the 100% Brand and How Global Distribution Scales

Have you thought about scaling your business?  With the tremendous growth in manufacturing and distribution businesses in today's marketplace, it is certainly worth considering. 

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