
economic trends

NBC 2 WGRZ: Ever Given’ ship stuck in the Suez Canal cost the economy $400M an hour

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. discusses the economical impact the stuck cargo ship had on the global economy. ### The Ever Given cargo ship was grounded in the Suez Canal for over six days, causing an enormous backup in one of the world’s major trade [...]

What Will Happen with the Economy?

In the last two months, we have participated in at least 4 or 5 different economic updates from the perspective of the local area, the region, the state, the nation and the global economy. We have also participated with a group of global consultants to discuss the economy and [...]

2025-02-03T16:25:10-08:00February 22, 2021|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , |

The Economy, Where It Is Headed & What to Do

Since I dressed up for my webinar with Eileen Angulo on "Navigating Coronavirus Impact with our Employees," it seemed a great time to do a quick video for I've Been Thinking on the economy and where we go from here.  One Tip to Implement This [...]

Boom or Recession? What is the State of the Economy?

In the last few months, I've attended sessions on the global, national and regional state of the economy. Every executive, trusted advisor and colleague wants to know: Are we headed for a recession?

2025-02-03T16:26:54-08:00May 6, 2019|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

The Stock Market, The Economy & How They Do Not Align

Key research groups are starting to talk about their predictions for the economy, and everyone is interested.

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