

People Rule!

Several situations have arisen recently that leads us to plead "choose wisely".  Examples abound on both sides of this topic.  Strong leaders attract top talent.  Weak and command and control leaders keep the weak and those close to retirement (in name only).  That is one of the things we [...]

2024-02-16T22:09:22-08:00June 14, 2018|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Satisfy Customers First, and Cost Cuts Will Follow

Think carefully about your real objective. Are you truly interested in cost cuts? For my part, I have yet to hear of a company vision, mission, or strategy that’s related to cutting costs.

Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade and Compelling Timeless Experiences

Create compelling, timeless customer experiences to boost engagement and loyalty. Lessons from Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade.

3 Takeaways from the Drucker Supply Chain Forum

The Drucker Supply Chain Forum engages a diverse group of supply chain experts to not only discuss trends and potential global disruptions, but also core values, employee engagement and careers in supply chain, logistics and distribution.

Why Does Employee Engagement Matter?

A disengaged workforce can cost you in productivity, profitability and lost customers. Engaging employees can be as simple as listening, giving feedback and removing obstacles to success.

Tour of Toyota and the Toyota Production System

There is much that can be achieved rapidly in leveraging Toyota Production System techniques - no matter your industry or role.
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