

Business Process ROI

Systems pragmatists focus on achieving exponential returns on investment (ROI) with a combination of top-notch business processes, systems, and people. Business process improvement is starting to make a comeback as executives are thinking about how to increase efficiencies. I’m a fan of selecting a few critical priorities and re-focusing [...]

Stand Out From the Crowd and Delight Your Customers!

Engaging your customers creates a customer service edge There has never been a better time to create a customer service edge! Gone are the days of the last decade when we saw examples of 10% sales growth achieved solely by picking up the phone. Customers expect more for less [...]

How to Effectively Engage Employees and Achieve Results

Great leaders know how to engage and empower employees to thrive in the new normal business economy. In my recent conversations with clients and business contacts, a common concern has emerged: How to leverage the recovery to grow the business and increase profitability. There is considerable uncertainty surrounding how [...]

Business Process Improvement to Drive Bottom Line Results

Business process improvement has almost become a "buzzword" - sounds good but what does it mean? What is really accomplished? Many times, companies create volumes of 1-inch thick binders of best practice processes, and yet achieve no bottom line results. Anyone seen these binders collecting dust on the bookshelf? [...]

2023-09-17T00:56:59-07:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , , , |

What’s the Secret Ingredient to Project Success?

Turn your thinking upside down and unlock the secret ingredient to success. Published in "Project Times" website, February, 2013 Click here for original article. Volatility is the new norm. Results must be an assumption as companies struggle for high growth rates, fight to find and retain top talent and [...]

2024-06-15T12:43:55-07:00February 6, 2013|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , |

Deliver Project Results by Engaging Employees

Achieve project success by engaging employees through a clear vision, attainable goals and positive feedback. Published in "Project Times" website, August, 2011 Click here for original article. In today’s new normal business environment, sales are lackluster, cash is tight and material prices are squeezing margins. Thus, those projects which [...]

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