

MCIE Panel Thinking Ahead to E Commerce, Scale and ERP Systems

MCIE Panel The Strategic Use of Data Lisa Anderson

Finalist for ERP Focus Writers’ Awards Best Independent Blog Shortlist

Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group specializes in supply chain, ERP and S&OP was included as one of the finalists for the ERP Writer's Awards 2017.

2024-02-20T22:29:11-08:00December 11, 2017|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , |

What Should Manufacturers Be Thinking with Potential Tax Changes?

There has certainly been a lot of conversation about the potential tax law changes!  Michael Kouyoumdjian, managing shareholder of RP&B CPAs did a great job of going through the potential changes and impacts in a discussion with trusted advisers to manufacturers and distributors.

Are You Leveraging ERP Fully?

80% of our clients only utilize 20% of their ERP system, and they are not alone.  So, if this is common across typical companies, why do so many of them call to throw out their current system and find one that will resolve their challenges?  It's a good question!   

2024-05-28T16:47:53-07:00December 6, 2017|Categories: Better Use of ERP / Systems, ERP & Technology|Tags: , |

Is Your Supply Chain Ready for Scalable Growth?

Growth is a hot topic. Regardless of your industry, if your company isn't growing, it is dying. 

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