

Lessons Learned: ERP Failure

How effective is your ERP selection and implementation process? Published in "The ACA Group" website, November, 2011 ERP system implementations fell off the grid during the recession; however, I've seen resurgence in the last year. Companies are thinking about investing again. However, although businesses are picking up, they are [...]

Successful System Implementations

The multifaceted task of implementing a successful ERP system starts with selecting the “right” system and having a cohesive, adaptable strategy. As strange as it might sound, the software and its features is typically the least important ingredient to success. Instead, focus on... Just the critical few key requirements. [...]

Leverage Your ERP System for Bottom Line Business Results

In my conversations and discussions with clients, bankers, CPA's and business contacts, I have a different picture than is presented in the news and is implied in recent stock market performance. In my view, there is a stabilization; however, this "new normal" business environment is one characterized by lower [...]

Leveraging Your ERP System

Another way to succeed in today's new normal is with innovation and leveraging already-existing assets. As I thought about leveraging ERP systems for a speech I gave earlier this month, I thought a few tips and questions to ponder might be of value: Improve service: how can you utilize [...]

2022-09-06T07:54:35-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , |

Can You Prevent ERP Implementation Chaos?

Achieve expected returns from your ERP implementation by following three keys to success. I've found that noticing and acting on trends can be a key to success from both a professional and personal perspective. Lately there have been plenty of trends to notice; however, a noteworthy one is that [...]

Is Your Inventory System Working?

In my experience in working with clients across multiple industries, geographies and sizes, I have no doubt that effective inventory management is far from a no-brainer, yet implementing a few secrets to success can yield dramatic bottom line results.

Develop a Talent Edge

If there is one common recurring theme with my clients, it's that those companies who find and retain the best people will thrive while their competition struggles to remain in the game. In my experience in working with executives across multiple industries and globally, those who create a talent [...]

2022-09-06T08:13:28-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Top 3 Causes of Poor Inventory Management

No matter why a client first calls, one of the challenges or areas of opportunity for significant gain stems back to inventory management. On the other hand, it isn't too surprising as with manufacturers and distributors, a key to operational success is effective inventory management. Beyond that, it can [...]

2022-09-06T08:15:37-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Inventory Management & Control|Tags: , |

Capacity Planning

The need for improved capacity and staffing analysis and decision-making arises frequently as a critical success factor with my clients, and so I thought a few tips would be beneficial: Start simple - Complex models don't drive results. Simple, easy-to-understand data will give you what you need to succeed. [...]

2023-07-22T09:28:30-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: Capacity & Labor Planning, Supply Chain Planning|Tags: |

Preparing for a New System

I've seen a steady increase in ERP selection, implementation and utilization projects as executives want to fully leverage the tools available to drive business results. However, a new system can be a significant undertaking. Only those who prepare will succeed. Document business processes - Start by documenting what occurs [...]

2022-09-06T08:23:16-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: |
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