

UPS Notes E-Commerce Boom

According to today's Wall Street Journal, UPS had robust growth in the third quarter, which was strongly influenced by the e-commerce boom. E-commerce now accounts for about 45% of U.S. packages. Is e-commerce on your radar? I'm on the flight back from Phoenix as I went to meet with [...]

The Manufacturing Connector – Systems Pragmatist

To achieve significant progress on new organizational processes or systems tackle the fundamental to do list first: understand your current processes to figure out where the opportunities for improvement and systems leverage lie.

Innovation is a Must for Project Success

Instead of following this path to work hard yet leave many half-finished projects hanging around, we need to create and implement a culture of innovation.

Data Mining for Dummies

Manoeuvring in today’s fast-paced business environment requires actionable information, which data mining provides. Locate your data to make your next strategic move.

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Implementing check points in project management helps track critical milestones and ensures projects stay on course for successful outcomes.

How To Elevate Business Performance with Lean I.T.

Rather than trying to modernize at every turn seek to leverage your I.T. department to provide maximum efficiency without non-value added work.

Overcoming Project Bottlenecks

I run into countless obstacles. Whether I'm successful or not has little to do with whether I run into an obstacle; instead, it has to do with how I address the obstacle.

The IT – Business Partnership

Successful companies forge partnerships with their IT departments to create an ERP system that provides data to make good decisions and provide their customers with an exceptional experience.

2024-11-09T20:45:16-08:00January 28, 2014|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , , |
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