

The Manufacturing Connector – Eagle Eye

It’s easy to lose track of priorities with so many competing distractions in the supply chain business, but a vigilant and observant team will spot the essential priorities and get down to the business of achieving results. When I talk about The Manufacturing Connector(SM), I am referring to the [...]

Innovation is a Must for Project Success

Projects often have a way of going from exciting ideas to abandoned ventures. Successful project management feeds off a culture of innovation to sustain projects all the way to the finish line. In today’s new normal business environment, innovation is a must for project success! Often, I hear my [...]

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Effective project management has become cornerstone to business performance. Although we are largely in a recovery, none of my clients have gone back to the days of having more than the required resources “just in case” yet project demands are ever-increasing as profitable growth is key to success. In [...]

Watching Metrics Trends

Collecting lots of data isn’t enough to improve service levels. A successful manager tracks relevant metric trends and puts the information into action. One of the keys to success for any business is to watch metrics trends. In my experience, if a client watches key trends, they tend to [...]

The Amazon Effect: Create a Customer Service Edge

Want to stand out from the crowd and provide loyalty-endearing service with rapid turnaround times? Create a customer service edge. There has never been a better time to create a customer service edge! Gone are the days of picking up the phone with easy orders on the other end! [...]

The Project Managers Skill Gap

With manufacturers and distributors finding it increasingly difficult to find top talent, bridging the skills gap has become a leading managerial task for success and even survival. According to a recent survey, 87% of manufacturers and distributors cannot find the skills required to successfully run their businesses. These results didn’t surprise [...]

Eagle Eye Execution

In supply chain management and other industries that require collaboration, eagle eye execution is what you need to make it happen. In my experience as a global business consultant and former VP of Operations, I've yet to find a business that failed solely due to a poor strategy; however, [...]

2023-09-15T17:39:03-07:00October 30, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Project Priorities for Success

To be successful in business, you must be able to pinpoint and act upon your company priorities. As a business consultant and former VP of Operations who has led and participated in hundreds of logistics and supply chain projects, I have yet to find a company without project management [...]

2024-06-17T09:00:03-07:00August 7, 2013|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , , |

How to Defy the Odds with Culture Change

Execution must be a core component of your organization’s culture Between 70-80%+ of culture change programs, such as mergers and acquisitions, fail to produce the results originally expected. Yet, there are still many private equity firms and companies aggressively searching to merge and/or acquire a business – and certainly [...]

How to Thrive in 2010’s “New Normal” Business Operations Environment

The business environment has changed and will not "return to normal"; instead, a "new normal" is emerging. The U.S. and the world economy have been in a recession for at least a year, and the media is starting to discuss a slow recovery. Whether the recovery is weak or [...]

2024-06-10T01:11:27-07:00May 9, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: , , , |
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