

How Students Show Us the HIGH VALUE of Continuous Learning

On Friday and Saturday, my APICS Chapter hosted the APICS West Coast Student Case Competition. I happened to lead the Student Case Competition committee as well, and so I was immersed.  It was a popular event as we had close to 100 students from universities throughout Southern California, AZ, [...]

2020-10-05T15:11:07-07:00February 20, 2015|Categories: I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , , |

The Power of Dashboards

Focusing on relevant, actionable data is easier to manage when you can prominently display it on your dashboard. I've been working with a rapidly growing, smaller client that sees the power of dashboards. I have to tip my hat to them as most $50 and $100 million dollar companies [...]

How to Revitalize Projects to Ensure Success

Maintain project momentum after a holiday with work team huddles that celebrate achievement, rededicate employees, and review goals. Published in "Project Times" website, February 11, 2015 Click here for original article. As we kick off the New Year, it is imperative to revitalize our projects. After working with countless [...]

Critical Success Factors are the 80/20 of ERP – and Business – Success

Published January 16, 2015 One of my clients had three sets of ERP system demos this week in a quest to select the best system to meet their business objectives. Not only is it a vital part of selecting the optimal system, I also find that it is always [...]

How to Select Priorities

You’re in danger of spinning your wheels aimlessly by having too many priorities. Focus on the priorities that truly impact your business and are aligned with your strategy. I've yet to meet a client that didn't have FAR too many priorities for what could be achieved successfully. Instead of [...]

Data Driven Leader

Actionable data drives the most successful businesses. To cut through today’s information overload a data driven leader has to be incisive, creative, and decisive. One of the concepts that came out of APICS 2014 was the concept of a data driven leader. We are overloaded with data and messages [...]

Uncommon Common Sense Project Management

Increasingly, project management is a matter of getting more accomplished in less time. The simplest way to succeed is by using smart and simple approaches. Published in "Project Times" website, October 14, 2014 Click here for original article. Why is everyone searching for the latest and greatest technology and [...]

What You Can Learn from an Organizing Guru

Being organized doesn’t necessarily mean having a neat and tidy desk. In terms of supply chain management it means categorizing your tasks to easily determine their order of importance in the larger scheme of things. My 5th grade teacher (who was also involved in politics) told my Mom that [...]

2023-09-18T19:00:34-07:00October 1, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , |

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Effective project management has become cornerstone to business performance. Although we are largely in a recovery, none of my clients have gone back to the days of having more than the required resources “just in case” yet project demands are ever-increasing as profitable growth is key to success. In [...]

Best of the 100: Systems Pragmatist

Rushing forward without pertinent tools and processes can hinder your business goals. A systems pragmatist will gain traction by strengthening fundamental areas. As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential [...]

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