

Project Management – Task Ownership

It's obvious that no matter your career, project management skills are critical to success. What better way to get things done? Focus on critical path - It's easy to get caught up in 1000's of tasks on your project plan. Instead, focus all your efforts on just the critical [...]

2024-06-15T13:59:18-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Execution: The Difference Between Profit & Loss

Lately, I've been thinking about trends among my consulting clients and how my value has most helped in driving bottom line results. Undoubtedly, it boils down to execution. Those clients who are able to execute strategies and plans are those who are the most successful – grow the business [...]

Would You Like to Close Out the Year with Project Success?

Published in "Project Times" website, November, 2011 Click here for original article. As we close out the year, wouldn’t it be nice to achieve year-end results with critical projects?  As many companies and leaders get lost in the holidays, it is an opportunity for those who stay focused on [...]

2024-06-15T03:32:12-07:00November 30, 2011|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , , , |

Project Management Tips

Published in "Project Times" website, July, 2011 Click here for original article. Project management has become an urgent priority! In the last few years, I’ve yet to see a client or talk with a business contact who hasn’t been concerned about achieving the results of key projects – on [...]

Projects Don’t Fail in Formulation: They Fail in Implementation

Published in "Project Times" website, October, 2010 Click here for original article. In my 20 years of experience and participation in 1000s of projects as a former VP of Operations, Business Consultant and Entrepreneur across multiple industries and globally, there has been one constant – projects don’t fail in [...]

2024-06-15T13:12:53-07:00October 12, 2010|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , |

Survey Says – Three Keys to Project Success

Published in "Project Times" website, September, 2010 Click here for original article. As successful project management is integral to thriving in today’s environment, what could be considered a lingering recession or somewhat of a recovery,  the company that can deliver project results with absolute assurance will lead the race.  [...]

2024-06-15T13:14:35-07:00September 14, 2010|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , , |

Can You Use Project Management to Find a Job?

Published in "Project Times" website, October, 2009 Click here for original article. There are so many high quality people in the job search process today - after all, unemployment rates continue to increase, even though at a slower rate. Tell this "comforting" statistic to the exasperated job seeker. For [...]

Throw Out Complex Project Timelines

Published in "Project Times" website, September, 2009 Click here for original article. The current recession has made it all the more critical that companies deliver the expected project results - on time, on/under budget and meeting/exceeding the intended results. Therefore, it is critical that we throw out the old [...]

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