

Why is it So Hard to Focus on Priorities?

Competing priorities may seem equally important and worthy of full attention. For significant impact, though, you have to stop and determine what you can safely put on the back burner. Why is it so challenging for executives to focus on priorities? It would seem simple; however it rarely is [...]

How to Revitalize Projects to Ensure Success

Maintain project momentum after a holiday with work team huddles that celebrate achievement, rededicate employees, and review goals. Published in "Project Times" website, February 11, 2015 Click here for original article. As we kick off the New Year, it is imperative to revitalize our projects. After working with countless [...]

Looking for Opportunities for the New Year

A brand new year is the logical time to look for business growth opportunities. The trick is in spotting the right chances and acting on them. It seems like a good idea to look for opportunities to grow your business, elevate your business performance and/or dramatically increase the value [...]

Customer Collaboration on Orders = RESULTS

Working in partnership with your customers delivers winning results on both ends. Customer collaboration has become cornerstone to success in today’s supply chain driven world. We are all part of a supply chain, and so we must look for ways to thrive within our supply chains. Undoubtedly, those who [...]

Are You Planning for Failure?

Your business won’t thrive if you expect the worst. Instead, plan for the best outcome and watch it unfold. Are you planning for failure? I imagine no one thinks they plan for failure; however, I see it happen more than you'd think. Instead, plan for success, and success will [...]

2020-09-28T21:01:49-07:00January 1, 2015|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , , , , |

How to Select Priorities

You’re in danger of spinning your wheels aimlessly by having too many priorities. Focus on the priorities that truly impact your business and are aligned with your strategy. I've yet to meet a client that didn't have FAR too many priorities for what could be achieved successfully. Instead of [...]

Are You Prepared for Success?

Are you prepared for success? We worry so much about failure that I find most clients are not prepared for success. You know what the lawyers say, “never go into a situation without knowing the answer and being prepared for anything that might come up”. It is proven that [...]

Uncommon Common Sense Project Management

Increasingly, project management is a matter of getting more accomplished in less time. The simplest way to succeed is by using smart and simple approaches. Published in "Project Times" website, October 14, 2014 Click here for original article. Why is everyone searching for the latest and greatest technology and [...]

Rapid Assessments for Success

If you are interested in profitable growth, start by focusing your eagle eye on making an honest assessment of your business. You must know where you stand to develop a successful path forward. Whether you want to grow, increase profit, accelerate working capital or create superior relationships with your [...]

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Effective project management has become cornerstone to business performance. Although we are largely in a recovery, none of my clients have gone back to the days of having more than the required resources “just in case” yet project demands are ever-increasing as profitable growth is key to success. In [...]

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