

Best of the 100: Systems Pragmatist

Rushing forward without pertinent tools and processes can hinder your business goals. A systems pragmatist will gain traction by strengthening fundamental areas. As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential [...]

Kick Off the New Year with Power

As the holidays come to a close work looms depressingly larger for some. Business leaders have to step in to hike motivation levels and bring goals back into focus so that 2015 starts on a strong productive note. Published in ProjectTimes, January 8, 2014 Often, the holiday aftermath can [...]

Why are Communications So Difficult?

Communications can get muffled in a busy work environment, but effective leadership makes information delivery a key component in daily operations. In my almost 25 year-career in manufacturing and distribution, I've yet to see a company with "perfect" communications. I've seen a few stars (unfortunately the 20% of the [...]

What Does it Take to Have a Real Team?

Build successful teams that are cohesive and self-improving. It's rare for significant results to be achieved by individuals in today's economy; teams have substantially greater success. What do good ones have in common? One clear purpose - Typically, a team has one purpose since it's formed specifically for that [...]

How to Effectively Engage Employees and Achieve Results

Great leaders know how to engage and empower employees to thrive in the new normal business economy. In my recent conversations with clients and business contacts, a common concern has emerged: How to leverage the recovery to grow the business and increase profitability. There is considerable uncertainty surrounding how [...]

Project Management Keys

I write a monthly article on project management for Project Times, and so I thought I'd compile a few of the best tips in this month's newsletter: Project leader - as my HR mentor says, it begins and ends with leadership. This is no different when it comes to [...]

Success with Cross-Functional Integration

Excellent leadership is required for successful supply-chain management and integration. In the last few years, every consulting project has included an aspect of cross-functional, cross-company, or cross-border integration. Thus, what could be more important than figuring out how to integrate (businesses, projects, etc) successfully? It is an opportunity to [...]

Speed is King: How Do We Leverage for Project Management?

In the race for increased profits is speed leaving vital priorities behind? Assess all factors before jumping the gun. In today’s new normal business environment, customers want products and services delivered quicker. Investors want month-end numbers faster. Customers expect new products yesterday. Executives are expected to sift through an [...]

Lessons Learned: Asking Questions isn’t Enough!

Published in "Project Times" website, October, 2012 Click here for original article. As a global business consultant, entrepreneur and operations strategist, I’ve seen countless business strategies, plans and projects succeed or fail based solely on what might be considered a nonessential question. On one hand, I’ve promoted that leaders [...]

2024-06-15T13:45:51-07:00October 10, 2012|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Project Management Coaching Best Practices

Published in "Project Times" website, June 19, 2012 Click here for original article. In speaking to an ExecSense audience recently about coaching, I realized that coaching is not only relevant to COOs but can be the difference between success and failure on any project or for any project leader. [...]

2024-06-15T13:44:14-07:00June 19, 2012|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , |
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