

Hurricanes, Common Sense Strategies & Predictive Planning Strategies

Hurricane Milton has blown through Florida. In addition to continuing havoc since it occurred close behind Hurricane Helene, it has created further supply chain disruptions that will have ripples throughout the globe.

Market Selloff, Volatility & Whether Businesses are Prepared

You would have to be hiding under a rock to not hear that the market sold off. The S&P 500 sold off 3%; the Dow tumbled 1,000 points, and tech company leaders lost a combined $1 trillion intraday (recovering almost half later in the day).

Managing Inventory and Cost to Navigate Economic Turbulence

The world faces economic headwinds. According to the Economist, Europe’s economy only grew at 4% this decade as compared with 8% of the United States and is struggling with a triple shock of the energy crisis, surging Chinese imports, and the threat of tariffs from the United States.

Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Kicked Off a Liquidity Crisis

Silicon Valley Bank's Failure kicked off panic in the financial markets and banking system. They had too much money tied up in long term bonds paying at low interest rates, and they didn't have the liquidity to keep up with the depositors requests to take money out of the [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & SIOP Expert Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventories

Lisa Anderson sees inventory tightening as supply chains grapple with demand fluctuation, supplier challenges, stagflation and volatility in the economy. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and enable profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.

Using SIOP to Make Better Informed Sustainability Decisions

Sustainability has become popular with consumers, employees and an imperative of large companies. After all, who wouldn't want to participate in saving the planet? In fact, I was interviewed for an Earth Day special "Our Changing Climate" (you'll see me featured in a few segments around 20 minutes in). From a corporate perspective, according to IBM Institute for Business Value, 51% of CEOs now rank sustainability as their greatest organizational challenge.

Katie Couric Media: After a Year of Shortages, Here’s Why Stores Suddenly Have too Much Stuff

Lisa Anderson, a supply-chain management expert and the president of LMA Consulting Group, says if you’ve got the cash on hand now,"it’s not a bad idea to start your holiday shopping early this year."

Manufacturers are Remaining Positive Amidst Chaos

According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 82% of manufacturers remain at least somewhat positive about their company's outlook. This statistic is especially interesting since 59% thought continued inflation would make a recession more likely in the next 12 months. Perhaps manufacturing should be even more positive as [...]

Is It Possible to Realign the Supply Chain?

Global supply-chain disruptions are rampant. Manufacturers and business owners now routinely deal with triple and quadruple lead times, widespread shortages, escalating prices, and transportation delays. Every link in the supply chain is out of alignment. Think of the imbalance as a sixth-grader on one end of a teeter-totter and a kindergartner on the other—only worse.

Baking Business: Companies Get Strategic to Pull Ahead of Supply Chain Crunch

In this episode of Since Sliced Bread, Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, explains where the supply chain stands now, how it got this way and what she sees successful companies doing to get through the crisis.

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