
inventory management

Managing Inventory and Cost to Navigate Economic Turbulence

The world faces economic headwinds. According to the Economist, Europe’s economy only grew at 4% this decade as compared with 8% of the United States and is struggling with a triple shock of the energy crisis, surging Chinese imports, and the threat of tariffs from the United States.

How Smart Manufacturers Are Navigating Interest Rate Hikes

Interest rates have increased by a historic amount within the last year. Increases of almost 5 points on such an aggressive timeline is already having a significant impact on manufacturers and distributor’s ability to fund and support their business growth.

What’s Up in the Economy, Business, Manufacturing & Supply Chain?

It is a whirlwind and confusing. Here is a quote that sums it up perfectly: From a salesperson at a client recapping the conversations at a recent industry conference - Everyone is skeptical, but we are all seeing orders and backlog remain pretty robust.

SIOP / S&OP: Balance Customer Orders, Inventory, & Profitability

If you want to serve your key customers successfully (with high on-time-in-full (OTIF), short lead times, and proactive service) so that you can take advantage of the opportunities coming down the pike while addressing the hard realities of the current business environment (potential recessions, high interest rates, and less access to capital), you MUST balance sales, operations and inventory.

Northern Lights, Husky Sleighs, & Stacking the Deck for Success

I went to Finland to see the northern lights, or the aurora borealis. Getting there is no piece of cake. We flew through London, took a 2-3 hour flight to Helsinki, Finland, and then took another flight to northern Finland (almost another 2 hours) and then drove 40 minutes to the resort (of course, north). It isn't for the faint of heart with temperatures in the negative numbers, requiring 6 or 7 layers minimum to allow you to stay outside for short bursts of time (although not very long as you'll start growing icicles), but the experience is worth it!

Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Kicked Off a Liquidity Crisis

Silicon Valley Bank's Failure kicked off panic in the financial markets and banking system. They had too much money tied up in long term bonds paying at low interest rates, and they didn't have the liquidity to keep up with the depositors requests to take money out of the [...]

The Economy – Where are we headed & where to focus?

In the last few weeks, I've participated in three different economic events, talked with trusted advisors and seen what clients are experiencing. From banks to economists to executives, differing views emerge. But, what is the bottom line?

Voice of ERP Interview

The Voice of ERP’s host Sam Gupta interviews guests who will share their stories of successes and challenges with their ERP systems. Lisa Anderson and Sam Gupta talked through several ERP stories and provided strategies for success in using ERP systems successfully.

Quality Digest: LMA Consulting Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventory

Lisa Anderson's press release about the reshaping of supply chains was picked up by CSCMP. Rightsizing and balancing inventories is becoming essential to success especially with increasing interest rates.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & SIOP Expert Sees Supply Chains Reshaping to Balance Inventories

Lisa Anderson sees inventory tightening as supply chains grapple with demand fluctuation, supplier challenges, stagflation and volatility in the economy. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and enable profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.
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