
I’ve been thinking

Competition – Or Are They?

It might just pay to remember that your relationship network is one of your most valuable assets. Can you find ways to collaborate for win-win success? 

My ProVisors Ontario Group’s 5 Year Anniversary and Amazing Connections

Take stock of your connections. I bet you know more people than you realize.

Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson Shares Big Picture Perspectives for Profit Opportunities

Lisa Anderson's new book offers unique perspectives on turning everyday business interactions into profitable opportunities for innovation.

The Eagles and Apprenticeships

Are you thinking about apprenticeships?  It doesn't have to be as dramatic as an untimely death; there are many reasons you should be thinking many years down-the-line with your apprenticeship programs.

Manufacturing Business Expert Lisa Anderson Releases Innovation Book on iTunes

Lisa Anderson's roadmap to innovation in her latest book is now available on iTunes. Practical strategies to drive business success.
2024-06-16T19:04:38-07:00July 17, 2017|Categories: Innovation, Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

Lisa Anderson Releases Book to Spur Business Innovation

Lisa Anderson's book 'I've Been Thinking' ignites business innovation, providing readers with insights to transform everyday interactions into opportunities
2024-06-16T17:58:17-07:00June 26, 2017|Categories: Innovation, Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

Unique New Zealand Style Cooperation

Are you creative and cooperative?  It might come in quite handy when trying to solve a "work problem" you've had for quite a while (or even think of an innovative new approach) if you emptied your mind to see what new ideas came to you.
2024-06-17T21:17:08-07:00June 15, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Why Planning is at the Crux of Success

There is a LOT you can do this week to improve your integrated planning process.

The Power of In-Person Communication

I am certainly a believer that much can be accomplished remotely. Actually I am doing more and more to help my clients remotely, and we are achieving substantial results - and significant returns on investment.
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