

Grand Ole Opry & Why Tradition Still Matters

I attended the Grand Ole Opry last night.....what an amazing Country Music tradition! I love that the Grand Ole Opry is actually a radio show. Now, in addition to having the radio station featured on the stage, it also includes #Opry. Times evolve but radio still rules in Nashville! [...]

Do You Have Enough Female Leaders?

I attended the compelling Renaissance Executive Forums All Member meeting last week in the Inland Empire, and it got me thinking about female leaders. One of the keynote speakers discussed this topic. Who would think it would take me attending an event to think about an obviously appropriate topic? [...]

Innovation Tips from the APICS-IE Executive Panel & Networking Symposium

My APICS (#1 trade association for supply chain and operations management) chapter hosted an executive panel & networking symposium which was focused on the topic of innovation. Innovation is a critical topic! Problem solving and maintaining the status quo is no longer enough as customers expect more, regulations increase [...]

What You Don’t See

Missing important clues at work because they’re not obvious or visible is as good as going around with blinders. Part of having an eagle eye is knowing what you don't see. I've found that being observant while walking around a manufacturing or distribution facility can yield many hidden gems. [...]

Collaborate for Project Success

Create fresh business ideas for your project by collaborating with diverse groups in your offices and along the supply chain. Published in "Project Times" website, April 6, 2015 Click here for original article. Collaboration has come into vogue. In my experience working with clients ranging in size from $4 [...]

Mixed Messages Is a Motivation Killer

One of the worst work experiences is not knowing how to proceed. When supervisors give mixed messages morale takes a dip.Mixed messages from leaders not only harm results but they also are a motivation killer! I’ve had several situations arise recently from a variety of clients and contacts related [...]

Transaction Criticality

Transactions occur so often you may not even be giving them a second thought. But each one has the potential to affect growth and profits. Few executives think much about transaction criticality. Transactions certainly aren't strategic; however, I have seen numerous clients growth and profit plans negatively affected by [...]

Why is it So Hard to Focus on Priorities?

Competing priorities may seem equally important and worthy of full attention. For significant impact, though, you have to stop and determine what you can safely put on the back burner. Why is it so challenging for executives to focus on priorities? It would seem simple; however it rarely is [...]

Leadership’s Unsung Heroes

A leader may be appointed by management but true influence and authority may emanate from the rank and file.Success begins and ends with leadership. Clearly, formal leaders are vital; however, it is important not to overlook the power of influence leaders. These folks are informal leaders who command significant [...]

2020-09-25T23:38:07-07:00February 26, 2015|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , , , |

How to Revitalize Projects to Ensure Success

Maintain project momentum after a holiday with work team huddles that celebrate achievement, rededicate employees, and review goals. Published in "Project Times" website, February 11, 2015 Click here for original article. As we kick off the New Year, it is imperative to revitalize our projects. After working with countless [...]

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