

Are You Prepared for Success?

Are you prepared for success? We worry so much about failure that I find most clients are not prepared for success. You know what the lawyers say, “never go into a situation without knowing the answer and being prepared for anything that might come up”. It is proven that [...]

The Amazon Effect: Critical Importance of Customer Service

Customer service is no longer just a department. A thriving business will pay full attention to all customer points of contact and ensure positive experiences. Companies that create loyal fans of customers thrive and leave the rest in the dust!  This has never been truer than it is in [...]

Do Not Ignore Your Stars

Identify and focus on how to nurture your higher performing employees to net a better return on your human capital investment. Since the beginning of 2014, the job market has been robust and employers are struggling to find high-skilled, qualified candidates for key positions. I've talked frequently about this [...]

How Empowered and Engaged Employees Can Fill the Skills Gap

Playing on the strengths of high performing employees can lessen skills gaps within your organization while motivating everyone to perform at a higher level. Not a day goes by when an employee, volunteer, Board member or colleague doesn’t retire, get promoted, move companies, change roles within the company or [...]

Innovation Does NOT Need to be the Next iPhone!

Published September 26, 2014 In today's Wall Street Journal, there is an article about Alan Turing who believed strongly in artificial intelligence and is one of the pioneers related to understanding the power of the computer. What I found compelling about the article was it's sub-title, "Today's biggest innovations [...]

2023-09-19T10:22:46-07:00September 26, 2014|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation|Tags: , , |

Is Customer Service Pivotal for Project Success?

Create a work culture where the customer’s needs come first to ensure project management success. In today’s new normal business environment, customer service is pivotal in project management ONLY if you want to ensure success. According to my firm’s recent research report, Amazon Effect, which covered the role of [...]

The Manufacturing Connector – Profit through People

More than ever manufacturing and distribution operations are linked and fueled by people worldwide. When you make them the cornerstone of your success profit will follow. When I talk about The Manufacturing Connector(SM), I am referring to the comprehensive process to connect the rapid assessment and identification of key [...]

Making Your Company Attractive to Potential Employees

Published August 1, 2014 According to today's Wall Street Journal, employers have added over 200,000 jobs for six months in a row. Employers are ramping up investment in their businesses again. I'm seeing my clients realize that they need to fill skills gaps especially with today's complex supply chains. [...]

2023-09-16T13:09:44-07:00August 1, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Rapid Assessments for Success

If you are interested in profitable growth, start by focusing your eagle eye on making an honest assessment of your business. You must know where you stand to develop a successful path forward. Whether you want to grow, increase profit, accelerate working capital or create superior relationships with your [...]

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Effective project management has become cornerstone to business performance. Although we are largely in a recovery, none of my clients have gone back to the days of having more than the required resources “just in case” yet project demands are ever-increasing as profitable growth is key to success. In [...]

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