

Are Americans Willing to Pay More for Products Made in the U.S.A.?

According to a survey by FTI Consulting, 78% of survey respondents said they'd be willing to pay more for the products if the company that made them moved production out of China. Certainly, it depends on how much more, but we've seen a transition in the commentary of the value of reshoring. [...]

Mass Customization & Personalization: Rising Trends

In our eBook Emerging Above & Beyond: 21 Insights for 2021 from Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Technology Executives, two technology executives discuss the critical importance of personalization. With the dramatic rise in e-commerce during the pandemic and experts agreeing that it will only accelerate, hyper-personalization has emerged as a [...]

Industrial Insights: How Consultants Can Help Your Manufacturing and Distribution Business with Lisa Anderson

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. discusses how a consultant can help executives navigate difficult business challenges and adapt in today’s manufacturing and supply chain.  Full Story

ACHR News: Distributors Must Embrace Change to Keep, Add HVAC Contractors

The past year has seen a constant struggle for obtaining supply. Manufacturers face numerous challenges, from issues with the supply chain to a lack of factory workers. Meanwhile, demand — at least in the consumer and new-home construction segments — has surged. This creates a challenge for distributors. Many [...]

Special Report: 21 Insights for 2021

Since 2020 was certainly a year of exceptions, when I started thinking about publishing a predictions report for 2021, I thought it was better to evolve it to what would be most meaningful to clients and colleagues for the year ahead. Thus, we repositioned to focus on key lessons [...]

Brushware Magazine: Modern ERP Launchpad for Growth

If you don’t have a modern ERP system, your growth prospects will be limited in comparison to your competition. It didn’t used to be as important; however, according to KPMG, for the majority of U.S. CEOs, the pandemic has meant an acceleration of digital transformation by months or even [...]

APICS: ASCM Inland Empire(APICS)- Emerging w/ Supply Chain Strength Webinar Series: Inland Empire Update

Lisa Anderson interviews Paul Granillo, President & CEO of the Inland Empire Economic Partnership.  Listen as they talk about building a stronger economy.

The Massive Congestion at the SoCal Ports & Implications

There is massive congestion at the L.A. and Long Beach ports. The latest figures from the Journal of Commerce shows 63 container ships in the harbor (34 awaiting berths and 29 at the berths). Terminals are full and dwell times have doubled. The situation isn't good, and manufacturers, distributors [...]

SelectHub: Manufacturing Trends: Leveraging Software and Tech to Maintain a Competitive Edge

"Executives realize they need to proactively manage customer service, inventory and their end-to-end supply chain. In order to consider the full picture and related options, business intelligence software is vital, and the AI component to add predictability into the mix is quickly becoming a ‘must have,'" said Lisa Anderson, [...]

The Need for Resilience is Driving a Local Surge of Manufacturing

In thinking about the surge to local for an interview for an SAP Insights article "For Resilient Supply Chains, Think Local", there is no doubt the pandemic has pushed manufacturers to re-think their extended supply chains. When they suddenly couldn't support key customer needs, manufacturers [...]

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